Os Princípios Básicos de persona 3 reload gameplay
Os Princípios Básicos de persona 3 reload gameplay
Blog Article
Persona 3 Reload retains its core hybrid of traditional role-playing and social simulation gameplay, but is overhauled aesthetically, graphically and mechanically to integrate systems and features that have been introduced to the Persona series since the original Persona 3's release, specifically deriving from quality-of-life improvements first implemented in Persona 5 (2016). In addition to foundational overhauls, Reload refines numerous elements of its graphical user interface to reflect the updated presentation of subsequent entries. For story-sensitive tasks, objective descriptions have been added below the display for the date, time of day and moon phase that list actions that must be performed to progress the narrative, which is functionally similar to Persona 5's heads-up display.
Through the fusion system, which allows your main character to wield different personas Pokemon style, you can unlock a bunch of unique Theurgy attacks, and some of them are as destructive as they are hilarious. Those who've played Persona 5 will recognize the Shift mechanic, too, which works just like the Baton Pass; when you hit an enemy weakness, you can pass the extra turn to a different party member who can keep the pain train rolling or hit remaining foes even harder.
The new Linked Episodes allow you to interact with party members similarly to Social Links. I appreciated the Linked Episodes as they provided more character development for your party members and unlocked passive traits to make them more powerful in battle.
If the attacker uses a Skill that hits multiple enemies, they only need to knock down one to get a One More. You cannot gain a One More from an enemy already knocked down.
After the credits upon beating the game, I was in awe of how much Persona 3 Reload improved the best aspects of Persona 3 while getting rid of aspects that held the original version back.
Persona 3 Reload is one of the best remakes of a game I’ve played since Capcom’s Resident Evil remakes and one of the best Xbox games I’ve played thus far in 2024 that both Persona fans and JRPG fans should not miss out on.
I had only just played Persona 3 Portable in the last few years, so that persona 3 reload gameplay hundred-hour saga felt relatively fresh in my mind going into my demo of Persona 3 Reload. I was excited to hang out with all my old pals, but a bit skeptical that it would be different enough to warrant the time investment all over again.
So it doesn’t contain the epilogue from FES or the female protagonist from Portable. However, that doesn’t mean that the new additions to the main story that was added in FES won’t be in Reload.”
We got confirmation that you’ll be able to walk around Gekkoukan High School, talk to students, and socially interact with them similarly to the original game, as opposed to the largely menu-based Persona 3 Portable.
Dungeons now share the perspective of Persona 4 and Persona 5, where the camera is behind the player rather than top-down. Series staples such as recruiting and combining demons are the same as before, though it’s been speculated that there are additional social links.
You can choose whether or not to carry over New Game Plus data, but some things will always transfer to a new playthrough. If you start on Merciless difficulty, nothing will be carried over (except if mandatory). This section goes over what gets carried over and what is new.
Persona games aren’t for everyone as they often feature strange premises that take a long time to get going, cutscenes with hours’ worth of dialogue, and atypical gameplay loops of balancing school life with dungeon crawling.
By pressing the Touch Pad, you can bring up Network Functions. Network Functions show what other players have spent time on that day, as well as what they answered for classroom questions.
Overall, I really enjoyed all the gameplay improvements and additions Persona 3 Reload has brought. It’s made combat more enjoyable and less stressful since I don’t have to worry about AI making decisions for my comrades.